Leo Jacobs has written a unique and personal account of what it is like to be deaf in a hearing world. He speaks out on such issues as mainstreaming and its effect on deaf children and the Deaf community, total communication versus oralism, employment opportunities for deaf adults, and public policy toward deaf people. This new edition includes an update of services by and for deaf people, and an expanded chapter on legislation and social issues that have had an impact on the Deaf community in the last ten years.
Федеральное государственное бюджетное учреждение культуры «Российская государственная библиотека для молодёжи»
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Филиал библиотеки МИКК «Особняк В.Д. Носова»
107023 Москва, ул. Электрозаводская, 12, стр. 1 Метро «Электрозаводская» Телефоны для справок: +7 499 670-80-01 (доб. 600) E-mail: mansion@rgub.ru