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Найдено печатных изданий: 17

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Carey M.R., The Boy on the Bridge — 2017

Carey M.R., The Boy on the Bridge — 2017

Once upon a time, in a land blighted by terror, there was a very clever boy. The people thought the boy could save them, so they opened their gates and sent him out into the world. To where the monsters lived.

Местонахождение издания: Зал литературы на иностранных языках

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Carey M., Ultimate Fantastic Four — 42 (July, 2007). Silver Surfer. Vol 1 of 5 — 2007

Carey M., Ultimate Fantastic Four — 42 (July, 2007). Silver Surfer. Vol 1 of 5 — 2007

Ben Grimm turned blue last issue due to exposure to Diablo's alchemy. In this issue, he states that he stayed blue for a week. His mother believes that Ben still has a "weak chest". Enid Richards still a has her "Energy Manipulating Powers" that she acquired in Diablo's realm last Issue. Reed Richard's obsession with creating a Cosmic Cube begins to cause him substantial distraction. He will lead the team into grave danger and damage his relationship with Sue Storm. This theme will continue over the next 12 months of this titles' publication

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Carey M., Mike Carey's One-Sided — 2006

Carey M., Mike Carey's One-Sided — 2006

A retelling of the classic Faust legend with a modern twist gives a new angle to the story of devilish betrayal. Another tale gives readers a poker game with an actor playing Satan, a game that leads to a bet that no one expected, and can—t be covered. The last story is of a man trapped in a clever contraption, with a dozen different ways to die and no sign of escape

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Carey M., Lucifer — 54 (November 2004). The Wolf Beneath the Tree. part 4 — 2004 (VERTIGO)

Carey M., Lucifer — 54 (November 2004). The Wolf Beneath the Tree. part 4 — 2004 (VERTIGO)

The conclusion of the 4-part "The Wolf Beneath the Tree." Lucifer, Michael and Elaine have pursued Fenris, god of destruction, to the roots of the world-tree to head off the end of all Creation - but their plans come to nothing when Fenris enlists one of them as an ally

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Carey M., Lucifer — 52 (September 2004). The Wolf Beneath the Tree. part 2 — 2004 (VERTIGO)

Carey M., Lucifer — 52 (September 2004). The Wolf Beneath the Tree. part 2 — 2004 (VERTIGO)

Atrocity is piled on atrocity as Fenris the Wolf continues to devour gods, growing more powerful by the mouthful. Meanwhile, the table is set in the house of Destiny for Lucifer, Michael, and Elaine. "The Wolf Beneath the Tree" part 2

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Carey M., Lucifer — 51 (August 2004). The Wolf Beneath the Tree. part 1 — 2004 (VERTIGO)

Carey M., Lucifer — 51 (August 2004). The Wolf Beneath the Tree. part 1 — 2004 (VERTIGO)

"The Wolf Beneath the Tree" part 1, guest-starring Destiny of The Endless. As the full ramifications of Yahweh's abdication become horrifyingly clear, Michael strives to put the damage right while Fenris the Wolf seeks to turn crisis into catastrophe

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Carey M., Lucifer — 8 (January 2001). The House of Windowless rooms. Part 4 — 2001 (VERTIGO)

Carey M., Lucifer — 8 (January 2001). The House of Windowless rooms. Part 4 — 2001 (VERTIGO)

"The House of Windowless Rooms" finale! Lucifer returns to L.A., his confrontation with the rulers of the Japanese netherworld now concluded. But in his absence the battle with the Shapeless has taken a terrible toll on Lucifer's nightclub --- and on his companion, Mazikeen. Jill Presto manages to take out Cestis, protecting the Void and heals Mazikeen, returning her from Death, also "healing" her face, not realizing what it should mean. Lucifer regains his wings, although he does not know a secret that will turn out to be his downfall later. Now flying back to the Lux he finds some firemen but tells them to leave and stands in the ashes of his bar, confronting Jill, and warning her of Mazikeen's anger when she should wake up.

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Carey M., Lucifer — 1 (June 2000). A Six Card Spread — 2000 (VERTIGO)

Carey M., Lucifer — 1 (June 2000). A Six Card Spread — 2000 (VERTIGO)

A saga of biblical proportions begins in LUCIFER #1, as Morningstar travels to Germany to find the answers to his questions by consulting a living tarot deck guarded by an angel. But getting a reading from the cards is harder than Lucifer expected, as the living deck takes the opportunity to escape its angelic guard and seek a new, mortal host...warping and reshaping the lives of everyone it touches along the way.Among those the deck transforms are three members of LUCIFER's diverse supporting cast - a lonely bookworm whose secret desire may prove his undoing; a struggling female cabaret performer offered a Faustian bargain for wealth, fame and eternal life; and a young initiate in a neo-Nazi gang who may have gone too far in his quest for status and acceptance - whose personal journeys are a crucial part of the series

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Carey M., Lucifer — 2 (July 2000). A Six Card Spread — 2000 (VERTIGO)

Carey M., Lucifer — 2 (July 2000). A Six Card Spread — 2000 (VERTIGO)

Hell hath no fury like its former ruler as VERTIGO's newest ongoing series continues. In a botched effort to thwart Lucifer's plans, the fallen angel-turned-bookstore owner Meleos has inadvertently unleashed the Living Tarot Deck into the world. As the malevolent cards run amok feast on the denizens of Hamburg, an extremely irritable Lucifer comes calling on Meleos...and there's going to be hell to pay. The Basanos are on the loose in the city, Lucifer makes plans to catch them so that he might bend them to his will and Jill Presto meets a young girl named Innocence, who offers her all the power in the world.

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Carey M., Lucifer — 3 (August 2000). A Six Card Spread — 2000 (VERTIGO)

Carey M., Lucifer — 3 (August 2000). A Six Card Spread — 2000 (VERTIGO)

The first story arc starring Lucifer Morningstar comes to a startling conclusion. Having absorbed the Living Tarot Deck inside of her, wannabe magician Jill Presto has begun manifesting truly magical powers. Jill's new "act" has her dispensing swift and deadly vengence on a terrified audience. Lucifer finally forces the Deck to give him his "six-card-spread" reading...and now the devil learns that sometimes too much information is a dangerous thing. With the new power she now wields, Jill Presto goes on a rampage with the full powers of The Basanos, and although she is a puppet, her powers are incredible and she uses them to slaughter the gang that harmed her friend, Jayesh. Lucifer and Mazikeen decide to interrupt the show at that point and Lucifer takes one of The Basanos captive, promising his return if he gets his six card spread...

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Carey M., Lucifer — 4 (September 2000). Born with the Dead — 2000 (VERTIGO)

Carey M., Lucifer — 4 (September 2000). Born with the Dead — 2000 (VERTIGO)

A supernatural detective thriller unfolds in a standalone issue illustrated by Dean Ormston (THE GIRL WHO WOULD BE DEATH), with layouts by Warren Pleece. Elaine Belloc is a typical British schoolgirl, except that she can conjure, speak to the dead and see both the past and the future. When her best friend Mona is murdered, Elaine and Mona's ghost set out to find out why: but the killer comes hunting the hunters, and Elaine's only hope for survival is the devil himself. In this issue we meet a young girl named Elaine Belloc, although she is far from ordinary, she communicates with the dead spirits of her grandmothers and can see the ghost of her murdered friend. Going on a quest to learn the identity of her friend's murderer she finds she may have bitten off more than she can chew, but wait! Someone is coming to her rescue, none other than the Devil himself!

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Carey M., Lucifer — 5 (October 2000). The House of Windowless rooms. Part 1 — 2000 (VERTIGO)

Carey M., Lucifer — 5 (October 2000). The House of Windowless rooms. Part 1 — 2000 (VERTIGO)

New regular artist Peter Gross (THE BOOKS OF MAGIC) makes his debut with Part 1 of the 4-part "The House of Windowless Rooms." Lucifer must set aside his power and his immortality to journey to the Japanese underworld in search of his severed wings - the nest stage in his quest for divine power. Meanwhile, back at Lucifer's exclusive L.A. club, Mazikeen guards the gateway in the void, unaware she's about to host an unearthly gathering of apocalyptic proportions.New stories begin as Mazikeen is left at the Lux to defend it from all who wish to enter the Void, Amenadiel makes a return, and the Jin En Mok enter town. Lucifer however is doing other things and has temporarily given up his immortality and powers to enter the Realm of the Windowless Rooms. Now demanding the return of his wings, he will be forced to rely on his wit when the Sons of Izanami assign one of their servants to assassinate Lucifer.

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Carey M., Lucifer — 6 (November 2000). [The House of Windowless rooms. Part 2] — 2000 (VERTIGO)

Carey M., Lucifer — 6 (November 2000). [The House of Windowless rooms. Part 2] — 2000 (VERTIGO)

Part 2 of the 4-part "The House of Windowless Rooms." Lucifer continues his journey through the Japanese Underworld to reclaim his wings and regain his power. As a guest of the Divine Izanami, the Queen of Death, Lucifer might well expect to be treated as demonic royalty. Instead, he is locked in mortal combat with Izanami's minions, who are desperate to prevent Lucifer from regaining his lost wings. Saul and Cestis make their move to enter the Void, and the only thing standing between them is Mazikeen and her waitress, Beatrice. Lucifer remains in the House of the Windowless Rooms and his power seems to be more than just pure strength as he cunningly escapes several traps set for himself, gaining some valuables in the process. The issue comes to a climax when Kagutsuchi comes to strike Lucifer down but as his sword swipes, it is not Lucifer who falls into a pool of blood on the floor.

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Carey M., Lucifer — 7 (December 2000). The House of Windowless rooms. Part 3 — 2000 (VERTIGO)

Carey M., Lucifer — 7 (December 2000). The House of Windowless rooms. Part 3 — 2000 (VERTIGO)

Part 3 of the 4-part "The House of Windowless Rooms." On the verge of regaining his lost wings, Lucifer must fight the ancient Gods of the Japanese Underworld, on their turf and on their terms. Meanwhile, back in L.A., Mazikeen has her own crisis to contend with, as the ancient predators known as the Shapeless lay claim to Lucifer's mystical gateway. Mazikeen grows extremely fierce and proves that being the consort of Lucifer does not take away from her own cunning, but rather it adds to it. However, even she is powerless when the Lux goes up in flames and only Cestis is left standing. Lucifer seems to have grown angry with the Sons of Izanami and after two lay dead, he takes another hostage, once again demanding Izanami return to him his wings, lest he take from her another child. Jill Presto returns, still with the powers of the Basanos, this time targeting the burning Lux.

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Carey M., A map of midnight. Crossing Midnight  Т. [2] — 2008

Carey M., A map of midnight. Crossing Midnight Т. [2] — 2008

A fantasy/horror series set in the heart of present-day Nagakaki, Japan where a set of extraordinary twins are bornone just before midnight and the other just after.They discover the huge impact this minor difference has on their destinies when the after-midnight twin, Toshi, is inducted into a world of supernatural beings and events that intersects with our own world.Now Toshi and her brother, Kai, desperately try to stay one step ahead of their terrifying fates while they learn how far their new world of terror intersects with their own. In this volume, Toshi must choose her weapons and begin her hazardous training through a fairy- tale-gone-wrong world like nothing anyone has ever experienced. Plus, Kai falls in with the enjokosaimiddle- to high-school-age girls who go on dates for money.It's legal in Japan, but a supernatural slasher is voicing disapproval in the bloodiest ways imaginable.

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Carey M., Crossing Midnight — 2008-

Carey M., Crossing Midnight — 2008-

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Carey M., A Dalliance with the Damned. Lucifer Vol. 3 — 2002

Carey M., A Dalliance with the Damned. Lucifer Vol. 3 — 2002

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