The first story arc starring Lucifer Morningstar comes to a startling conclusion. Having absorbed the Living Tarot Deck inside of her, wannabe magician Jill Presto has begun manifesting truly magical powers. Jill’s new «act» has her dispensing swift and deadly vengence on a terrified audience. Lucifer finally forces the Deck to give him his «six-card-spread» reading… and now the devil learns that sometimes too much information is a dangerous thing. With the new power she now wields, Jill Presto goes on a rampage with the full powers of The Basanos, and although she is a puppet, her powers are incredible and she uses them to slaughter the gang that harmed her friend, Jayesh. Lucifer and Mazikeen decide to interrupt the show at that point and Lucifer takes one of The Basanos captive, promising his return if he gets his six card spread…
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