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Gordon Stewart When Asia was the world
When Asia was the world
Тип носителя:
Место издания:
New Haven, Conn
Yale univ. press
Год издания:
cop. 2008
VIII, 228 с., [8] л. ил., факс.
NEW YORK, April 17, 2008 — Asia Society and the South Asian Journalists Association (SAJA) hosted a panel and book-signing in honor of Stewart Gordon’s When Asia Was the World (Da Capo Press, 2007). Gordon’s history examines the role information networks played in making Asia the center of the world centuries ago, and how these networks continue to play an important role today, albeit through different means. The program was moderated by Asia Society Executive Vice President Jamie Metzl. According to Gordon, Asia flourished as the wellspring of science, philosophy, and religion in the period 600−1500 AD. Linked together by a web of religious, commercial, and intellectual connections, regions from Arabia to China hummed with commerce, international diplomacy, and the brisk exchange of ideas. Religion, Gordon continued, played a central role in creating the information networks at the core of these societies, as both Buddhism and Islam encouraged connectivity.

Размеры издания:
24 cм.

Местонахождение издания:
Библиографическое описание

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