Sole T., The Ticket to Heaven and Other Superior Puzzles — 1988
This is just one of the stylish, exciting puzzles in this unique compilation. Pursue the elusive number, discover a new dimension, solve a chess problem, entertain your friends - find out if you are a clear thinker. Tim Sole s sophisticated collection of conundrums is really something!
Manley D., The Piccolo Book of Travelling Games — 1986
This book is full of the games they and their friends played on journey by road and rail and sea and air and some of the games they played when they travelled.
This book may help many of you to experience the great pleasure and satisfaction of feeling the mind ticking over and seeing what looks at first sight to be an impossible problem, come to pieces, as it were, in your hands like knotted string or a tricky jigsaw puzzle.
Matterson E., This Little Puffin. Finger Plays and Nursery Games — 1969
Songs, rhymes and games for every occasion, all chosen for their popularity with young children. Collected from all over Britain, the contents reflect the cultural diversity of the nation.
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