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 Collection Cahiers d`Artistes 2017, [— 141]
Другие авторы:
Collection Cahiers d`Artistes 2017, [— 141]
Тип носителя:
Многотомник. Спецификация.
Место издания:
Pro Helvetia
Год издания:
56 S.
Yves Scherer (1987) is a Swiss-born New York-based artist whose practice deals with questions regarding gender, celebrity, and mediated realities. Scherer works with various media — from sculpture, photography, and painting to installations and collages containing everything from paparazzi images to tatami mats, combining personal narratives with fan fiction to explore the relationship between the private and the public. Interested in surfaces and screens, Scherer often uses tatami mats or fake grass cut outs as part of his work — a reference to the artist’s own living habits, and typical of this form of contemporary Arte Povera. Scherer holds an MFA from the Royal College of Art, London. His work has been exhibited at international institutions and galleries like ICA London (UK) and the Swiss Institute (NYC). He was the recipient of the Swiss Art Award in 2015 and was listed on Forbes 30 under 30 —art and design— (2016).
Французский, engger


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