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 Collection Cahiers d`Artistes 2017, [— 139]
Другие авторы:
Collection Cahiers d`Artistes 2017, [— 139]
Тип носителя:
Многотомник. Спецификация.
Место издания:
Pro Helvetia
Год издания:
56 p.
Karin Hueber lives and works in Zurich. She holds a BA degree from the Academy of Art and Design in Basel and a MA degree from the Zurich University of Arts. Karin Hueber works with sculpture, its conditions and implications. The material and processing she employs for her often site responsive installations feature a contrast between industrial and hand made aesthetics frequently appearing within one work at the same time. This contradiction corresponds to the play with intimacy and distance; another central theme in Karin Huebers work. Both evoke a feeling of uncertainty within the viewer: we feel simultaneously attracted and rejected, we recognize something but don’t identify what it really is —like knowing someones name but not getting it out. Karin Hueber questions our relationship to architecture, fashion or interior design — to any created environments, but also to the human body and its gestures or to sculpture and its context as such. She often uses literature as an inspiration and also crosses the border of art and other disciplines in her collaborations with fashion and product designers. She enters a dialogue about common truths concerning our perception of art and the world.
Английский, freger


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