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Dixon Chuck Detective Comics 646 (July 1992)
Detective Comics 646 (July 1992)
Тип носителя:
Место издания:
New York
DC Comics
Год издания:
31 p.
Despite Batman and Robin’s best efforts, Galvan successfully kills Driscoll with a long-range electric bolt, and flees to pursue his next target: Commissioner Gordon. This information is quickly relayed to the rest of the police department, who — along with the Electrocutioner — quickly rush to police headquarters. In spite of the looming danger and Detective Essen’s warnings, Commissioner Gordon refuses to vacate police headquarters. Resigned to the Commissioner’s pride and courage, Detective Essen chooses to stay in the building as well. Soon after, Galvan arrives, with Batman, Robin, and the Electrocutioner not far behind. Detective Essen attempts to protect the Commissioner from Galvan, but her revolver proves useless against the electric field produced by Galvan’s equipment. At that moment, Batman intervenes. While he keeps Galvan occupied, Robin rushes to a nearby firehose, intending to short out Galvan’s equipment. The Electrocutioner attempts to stop him, determined to kill Galvan instead of leaving matters to «the bleeding-heart courts», but a disgusted Robin quickly beats the so-called crimefighter unconscious. Robin then aims the firehose at Galvan, but discovers to his horror that it has been disconnected. Nevertheless, Robin distracts Galvan long enough for Batman to remove Galvan’s battery pack, leaving Galvan completely helpless. Batman is initially furious at Robin for taking an unnecessary risk, but quickly apologizes and congratulates his quick thinking. As Galvan and the Electrocutioner are taken into custody, Detective Essen reveals that during the struggle, she’d found Commissioner Gordon’s proposal ring. Despite Gordon’s new reservations, she accepts his proposal

Размеры издания:
26 cм.

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