Packed with photographs, illustrations and maps of Madrid the guide includes in-depth coverage of Madrid"s unforgettable sights from the charming Plaza Mayor to the magnificent Palicio Real unearthing the best of the city"s stunning architecture, phenomenal museums and art galleries in between. You"ll find 3D aerial views of Madrid"s most interesting districts, cutaways and floorplans of all the major sites, and detailed listings of the best hotels and restaurants in Madrid for all budgets. The guide includes four «Great Days Out» in Madrid and extensive practical information and insider tips from fashion, shopping and entertainment to choosing the most appetizing tapas. Navigate through the wide majestic boulevards, grand squares and narrow backstreets with specially devised walking tours. Whether you are taking in the outstanding display of modern art in the Reina Sofia or enjoying a Sangria in the Parque del Retiro, the Eyewitness Guide to Madrid is
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