The Red Badge of Courage is not a conventional historical novel. Its texture is cinematic; at the same time, breaking the rules, it eschews all reference to time and place. As the «retiring fog» lifts on the opening page, an army is revealed «stretched out on the hills, resting». This is followed by a brilliant passage, surely an inspiration to subsequent generations of screenwriters: «At night, when the stream had become of a sorrowful blackness, one could see across it the red, eye-like gleam of hostile camp fires set in the low brows of distant hills."Having set the scene, and expanded it with swift economy in a sequence of short chapters, Crane unfolds his creative purpose: to get under the skin of a young soldier, the volunteer Henry Fleming, who has enlisted as a challenge to himself. When fighting breaks out around him, Fleming’s courage deserts him. He cannot face the possibility of suffering «a red badge», and flees, before later returning. More manoeuvres and skirmishes follow. Slowly, Fleming overcomes his fear, comes of age, learns to be a soldier and acquires an appetite for battle.
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