'There, in Russia five years ago, when Cuba had been taken out of the oven to cool and Vietnam was still coming to a simmer, Bech did find a quality of life — impoverished yet ceremonial, shabby yet ornate, sentimental, embattled, and avuncular-reminiscent of his neglected Jewish past.' In these two short stories, Updike’s brilliant observational acuity is matched by a light, comic touch. The writer Henry Bech travels to Europe on a hapless cultural exchange, first to Russia, where he struggles to spend his money when everything — from his meals to his bugged hotel room — is already paid for, and then to Rumania. This book includes «Rich In Russia», Foreword, Bech in Rumania, Appendix A and Appendix B
Федеральное государственное бюджетное учреждение культуры «Российская государственная библиотека для молодёжи»
Главное здание
107061 Москва, ул. Б. Черкизовская, дом 4, корпус 1 Метро «Преображенская площадь» (выход №5) Телефон для справок: +7 499 670-80-01 E-mail: info@rgub.ru
Филиал библиотеки МИКК «Особняк В.Д. Носова»
107023 Москва, ул. Электрозаводская, 12, стр. 1 Метро «Электрозаводская» Телефоны для справок: +7 499 670-80-01 (доб. 600) E-mail: mansion@rgub.ru