On page 156 of John Updike’s new novel, «The Centaur,» a drunkard, weaving and tottering down a dark street in the Pennsylvania city of Alton, offensively insults two passers by. On page 301 in a «Mythological Index» this unimportant character is identified with the Greek god Dionysos. Some 56 other gods and mythological characters are also identified with modern citizens of Pennsylvania in the year 1947. It is an easy game for a novelist to play. A woman no better than she should be is obviously Venus. A mechanic must be Vulcan. A school principal wielding authority over others is Zeus. How clever of Mr. Updike! How clever of his readers to recognize some of his mythological parallels! But what in the name of artistic common sense does such useless ingenuity have to do with the writing of good novels?
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