The New Pelican Guide to English Literature, Vol.1
Тип носителя:
Многотомник. Спецификация.
Место издания:
Penguin Books
Год издания:
622 p.
Notwithstanding that the New Pelican Guides to English Literature are devoted to the English tradition, it seemed an attractive and valuable idea to include a new volume on medieval European literature which would complement the volume on English medieval literature. For while many of these English writers were concerned to create their own vernacular literature, they were familiar with, and often indebted to, their European contemporaries. This volume then constitutes a useful and enriching companion to Part One and includes essays on Beowulf, The Song of Roland, Njal’s Saga, The Decameron and Rabelais as well as an anthology of medieval literature in the vernacular.
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