The Who"s defining, breakthrough concept album — a full-blown rock opera about a deaf, dumb and blind boy that launched the band to international superstardom, was originally released in May 1969. The Who were at a career crossroads. They were known mainly as a singles band, but this project launched them as a serious «albums band» and has now sold over 20 million copies and regularly turns up in lists of the most influential albums of all time.
Overture; It—s a Boy; 1921; Amazing Journey; Sparks; Eyesight to the Blind (The Hawker); Christmas; Cousin Kevin; The Acid Queen; Underture; Do You Think It—s Alright?; Fiddle About; Pinball Wizard; There—s a Doctor; Go to the Mirror!; Tommy, Can You Hear Me?; Smash the Mirror; Sensation; Miracle Cure; Sally Simpson; I—m Free; Welcome; Tommy—s Holiday Camp; We—re Not Gonna Take It
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