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Найдено печатных изданий: 18
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Lauder S., The boy-king Tutankhamun. Stage 1 — 2016 (Oxford bookworms library)
I can see wonderful things! - said Howard Carter, when he opened the tomb of the Egyptian boy-king Tutankhamun, in 1922. Suddenly Tutankhamun was famous. This is Tutankhamun's story, told by his friend Aziru. Aziru goes to live in the Pharaoh's palace as a young boy, and he and Tutankhamun are soon great friends. Pharaoh from the age of nine, Tutankhamun rebuilds his country from times of great change. Butthere are powerful men in the palace, and Aziru is often afraid for his friend too.
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Учебное пособие по английской и американской литературе — 2011
Пособие знакомит с основными явлениями английской и американской литературы. Пособие содержит биографические сведения об авторе, анализ творчества и отрывки из произведений. Пособие рассчитано на учащихся средних школ, лицеев, гимназий, колледжей. Студентов высших учебных заведений, учителей и преподавателей, а также широкий круг лиц, самостоятельно изучающих английский язык.
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Gothic Short Stories — 2006
This collection contains works by such writers as Poe, Hawthorne, Gaskell, Dickens and M. R. James, alongside that of anonymous authors from Britain to America. It brings together stories from the earliest decades of Gothic writing with later 19th and early 20th century tales.
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Collings R., Classic Victorian & Edwardian Ghost Stories — 1996 (Tales of Mystery & the Supernatural Series)
This is a book to be read by a blazing fire on a winter's night, with the curtains drawn close and the doors securely locked. The unquiet souls of the dead, both as fictional creations and as 'real' apparitions, roam the pages of this haunting new selection of ghost stories by Rex Collings.Some of these stories are classics while others are lesser-known gems unearthed from this vintage era of tales of the supernatural. There are stories from distant lands - 'Fisher's Ghost' by John Lang is set in Australia and 'A Ghostly Manifestation' by 'A Clergyman' is set in Calcutta. In this selection, Sir Walter Scott (a Victorian in spirit if not in fact), keeps company with Edgar Allen Poe, Sheridan Le Fanu and other illustrious masters of the genre.
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Жуковский В.А., . Зарубежная поэзия в переводах В.А. Жуковского Т. 1 — 1985
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Английская поэзия в русских переводах (XIV-XIX века). [сборник] — 1981
В антологии представлены лучшие образцы английской поэзии, начиная с народных баллад и до конца XIX столетия. Тексты стихотворных переводов выполнены известными русскими и советскими поэтами-переводчиками (Жуковским, Гнедичем,Лермонтовым, Тютчевым, Блоком, Бальмонтом, Пастернаком, Маршаком, Левиком и др.). Послесловие к сборнику академика М.П. Алексеева познакомит читателя с тем, как развивалось искусство русского стихотворного перевода, как воспринималась в нашей стране английская поэзия. Книга содержит также справки об авторах и комментарии к тексту. Издание предназначается для широкого круга любителей русской и зарубежной поэзии
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Scott W., Old Mortality — 1980
Perhaps the finest and certainly the most readable of Scott's Waverley novels, Old Mortality is a swift-moving historical romance that pits an anachronistically liberal hero against the forces of fanaticism in seventeenth-century Scotland - the period notorious as "the killing time." Its central character, Henry Morton, finds himself torn between his love for a royalist's granddaughter and his loyalty to his oppressed countrymen.
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The Idea of Literature. The Foundations of English Criticism — 1979
Статьи сборника дают представление о формировании литературно-критической мысли в Англии на протяжении четырех столетий - от эпохи Возрождения до наших дней. Издание сопровождается вступительной статьей, справками об авторах и комментариями к тексту. В сборник вошли критические очерки крупнейших английских писателей и литературных критиков: Сиднея, Филдинга, Диккенса, Теккерея, Шоу и др.
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An Anthology of English and American Verse — 1972
Лучшие образцы стихотворных произведений Англии и США с биографическими справками и комментариями.Издание затрагивает творчество 176-ти авторов и включает в себя неадаптированные старинные английские баллады, принадлежащие к устной фольклорной традиции, множество сонет, гуманистическую лирику эпохи Возрождения, революционный пафос романтиков, меланхолические негритянские блюзы и многие другие произведения, вплоть до XX века.
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An Antology of English and American Verse — 1972
Предлагаемая вниманию читателя Антология английской и американской поэзии является наиболее полным и представительным собранием стихотворений, народных баллад и фрагментов из поэм на английском языке. Антология содержит 475 произведений, принадлежащих перу 169 поэтов. Все произведения расположены в хронологическом порядке. Книга адресована читателю, владеющему английским языком, а также знакомому с историей английской и американской литературы, т.е., в первую очередь, студентам старших курсов, аспирантам и преподавателям высших учебных заведений гуманитарного профиля.
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Baker F.T., Everyday Classics. Sixth Reader — 1924
The Sixth Reader is a book of world-famous stories. The great poems of Greece and Rome, the Bible, the myths of Northern Europe, and the epics and romances of the Age pf Chivalry are all represented. The book is addressed to the pupil. Proper names and the more difficult words and phrases have often been listed with their pronunciations after the lessons inwhich they occur. Other words have been listed For study with the Glossary.
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Scott W., Talesman — 1980
The Talisman is Sir Walter Scott s tale of the Crusades -- a tale of chivalry, of violence, of virtue, romance, and deceit. In Scott's own words: ...the warlike character of Richard I, wild and generous, a pattern of chivalry, with all its extravagant virtues, and its no less absurd errors, was opposed to that of Saladin, in which the Christian and English monarch showed all the cruelty and violence of an Eastern sultan, and Saladin, on the other hand, displayed the deep policy and prudence of a European sovereign, whilst each contended which should excel the other in the knightly qualities of bravery and generosity. This singular contrast afforded, as the author conceived, materials for a work of fiction possessing peculiar interest.
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Scott W., The Two Drovers and Other Stories — 1987
The short stories in this volume deal with Scott's favorite themes: the Highlands and Lowlands of Scotland, historical change, the supernatural, and language. From the stark tragedy of "The Two Drovers" to the chilling and comic portrayal of the supernatural in "Wandering Willie's Tale," these stories provide a natural starting point for those unacquainted with Scott's work as well as those who love his novels.
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Книга для чтения на английском языке в VII классе — 1996
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Scott W., Ivanhoe — 1994 (Penguin Popular Classics)
Wilfred of Ivanhoe was thrown out of his father`s home when he fell in love with his father Cedric`s ward, Lady Rowena. Ivanhoe later returns from fighting in the Crusades and is wounded in a jousting tournament. Set in 12th-century England, this is a tale of love struggling to survive against a violent backdrop of politics and war
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Scott W., Rob Roy — 1996 (Wordsworth classics)
One of Sir Walter Scott's most celebrated novels, "Rob Roy" is set in the north of England and Scotland in the years before, during and after the first Jacobite rising of 1715. Rob Roy is a swashbuckling chieftain of the Clan MacGregor who is forced to become an outlaw for his alleged espousal of the Jacobite cause. He achieves great fame by his kindness to and sympathy for the poor and oppressed and he is sought out by Francis Osbaldstone and his spirited sweetheart Diana Vernon in their struggle with their malign kinsman, Rashleigh. "Rob Roy" is a truly heroic tale set against the turmoil surrounding the Hanovarian succession
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Classic Victorian and Edwardian Ghost Stories — 1996 (Wordsworth Classics)
This is a book to be read by a blazing fire of a winter's evening, with the curtains drawn and the doors locked. The unquiet souls of the dead roam the pages of this haunting new selection by Rex Collings of ghost stories both as fictional creations and as 'real' apparitions. Some of these stories are classics and others are lesser-known gems unearthed from this vintage era for tales of the supernatural. There are stories from distant lands - Fisher's Ghost by John Lang is set in Australia and A Ghostly Manifestation by 'A Clergyman' is set in Calcutta. Sir Walter Scott keeps company in this selection with Edgar Allen Poe, Sheridan Le Fanu and other illustrious masters of the genre.
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Всемирно-известные истории. избр. произведения английской и американской литературы. пособие для школьников — 1996 (Английский язык. Адаптированное чтение) (Home reading)
Содержание: W.Scott;J.F.Cooper;Ch.Dickens;H.Beecher-Stowe;O'Henry
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