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Найдено печатных изданий: 9
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Sinclair L, Dodsworth — cop.1972
First published in 1929, Dodsworth tells the story of a young American couple who moves to Europe. When the woman becomes involved with another man, her husband must choose between forgiving his wife or abandoning the relationship, & Europe, forever.
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Хрестоматия по современной американской литературе (1917-1941) — 1974
Хрестоматия является практическим пособием для студентов, изучающих английский язык и американскую литературу. В хрестоматии представлены отрывки из произведений крупных американских прозаиков и поэтов.
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American Satire. Satirical Short Stories and Essays — 1966
В настоящем сборнике собраны сатирические произведения американских писателей от Бенджамина Франклина до наших дней. Как известно,юмористическая и сатирическая струя всегда были сильны в американской литературе. Не говоря уже о профессиональных юмористах и сатириках,в США не найдется,пожалуй,ни одного крупного писателя,который бы в той или иной степени не отдал дань этому жанру.При размещении рассказов в книге соблюдалось два условия:представитель авторов в хронологическом порядке и в таком же порядке-рассказы,в тех случаях,когда известна дата их первого напечатания.Каждому автору посвящена небольшая справка, в которой сообщаются краткие сведения о нем и о его творчестве и указаны его основные произведения. Книга снабжена комментарием с объяснением отсутствующих в англо-русском словаре Мюллера реалий,некоторых имен и исторических дат,а также переводом особо трудных для понимания английских предложений.
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Lewis S., Elmer Gantry — 1960
Universally recognized as a landmark in American literature, Elmer Gantry scandalized readers when it was first published, causing Sinclair Lewis to be invited to a jail cell in New Hampshire and to his own lynching in Virginia. His portrait of a golden-tongued evangelist who rises to power within his church--a saver of souls who lives a life of duplicity, sensuality, and ruthless self-indulgence--is also the record of a period, a reign of grotesque vulgarity, which but for Lewis would have left no trace of itself. Elmer Gantry has been called the greatest, most vital, and most penetrating study of hypocrisy that has been written since the works of Voltaire.
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Lewis S., Babbitt — 2005 (The Collection)
"Бэббит" - роман, имя главного героя которого, Джорджа Бэббита, стало нарицательным. Это собирательный образ американского преуспевающего мещанина лишенного индивидуальности, с несколько ограниченным духовным миром
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Lewis S., Cass Timberlane — 1957
This novel was written late in the career of Sinclair Lewis, it explores themes of love, marriage, heartache, trust & redemption in a small Minnesota town.
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Lewis S., Dodswoth — cop.1972
First published in 1929, Dodsworth tells the story of a young American couple who moves to Europe. When the woman becomes involved with another man, her husband must choose between forgiving his wife or abandoning the relationship, & Europe, forever.
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Lewis S., Elmer Gantry — 1982
Universally recognized as a landmark in American literature, Elmer Gantry scandalized readers when it was first published, causing Sinclair Lewis to be invited to a jail cell in New Hampshire and to his own lynching in Virginia. His portrait of a golden-tongued evangelist who rises to power within his church--a saver of souls who lives a life of duplicity, sensuality, and ruthless self-indulgence--is also the record of a period, a reign of grotesque vulgarity, which but for Lewis would have left no trace of itself. Elmer Gantry has been called the greatest, most vital, and most penetrating study of hypocrisy that has been written since the works of Voltaire.
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Lewis S., Babbit — 2007
The novel behind the name, Babbitt is Sinclair Lewis—s classic commentary on middle-class society. George Follanbee Babbitt has acquired everything required to fit neatly into the mold of social expectation—except total comfort with it. Distracted by the feeling that there must be more, Babbitt starts pushing limits, with many surprising results.
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