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Найдено печатных изданий: 10
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Жуковский В.А., . Зарубежная поэзия в переводах В.А. Жуковского Т. 1 — 1985
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Английская поэзия в русских переводах (XIV-XIX века). [сборник] — 1981
В антологии представлены лучшие образцы английской поэзии, начиная с народных баллад и до конца XIX столетия. Тексты стихотворных переводов выполнены известными русскими и советскими поэтами-переводчиками (Жуковским, Гнедичем,Лермонтовым, Тютчевым, Блоком, Бальмонтом, Пастернаком, Маршаком, Левиком и др.). Послесловие к сборнику академика М.П. Алексеева познакомит читателя с тем, как развивалось искусство русского стихотворного перевода, как воспринималась в нашей стране английская поэзия. Книга содержит также справки об авторах и комментарии к тексту. Издание предназначается для широкого круга любителей русской и зарубежной поэзии
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Four English Comedies — 1978 (Penguin Plays)
The aim of this volume is to provide a selection of English comedies which are established in their own right as classics possessing sufficient universality to appeal to a modern audience but which are not particularly accessible in other editions. For this purpose Ben Jonson, who apart from Shakespeare was pre-eminent in the early seventeenth century, chooses himself, whilst Congreve alone can represent the wit and elegance of Restoration comedy. Hardly less inevitable is the choixe of Goldsmith and the talanted Sheridan as examples of the rumbustious comedy of the eighteenth century
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An Anthology of English and American Verse — 1972
Лучшие образцы стихотворных произведений Англии и США с биографическими справками и комментариями.Издание затрагивает творчество 176-ти авторов и включает в себя неадаптированные старинные английские баллады, принадлежащие к устной фольклорной традиции, множество сонет, гуманистическую лирику эпохи Возрождения, революционный пафос романтиков, меланхолические негритянские блюзы и многие другие произведения, вплоть до XX века.
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An Antology of English and American Verse — 1972
Предлагаемая вниманию читателя Антология английской и американской поэзии является наиболее полным и представительным собранием стихотворений, народных баллад и фрагментов из поэм на английском языке. Антология содержит 475 произведений, принадлежащих перу 169 поэтов. Все произведения расположены в хронологическом порядке. Книга адресована читателю, владеющему английским языком, а также знакомому с историей английской и американской литературы, т.е., в первую очередь, студентам старших курсов, аспирантам и преподавателям высших учебных заведений гуманитарного профиля.
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Goldsmith O., The Vicar of Wakefield — 1982 (The Penguin English Library)
When Dr Primrose loses his fortune in a disastrous investment, his idyllic life in the country is shattered and he is forced to move with his wife and six children to an impoverished living on the estate of Squire Thornhill. Taking to the road in pursuit of his daughter, who has been seduced by the rakish Squire, the beleaguered Primrose becomes embroiled in a series of misadventures - encountering his long-lost son in a travelling theatre company and even spending time in a debtor's prison. Yet Primrose, though hampered by his unworldliness and pride, is sustained by his unwavering religious faith. In The Vicar of Wakefield, Goldsmith gently mocks many of the literary conventions of his day - from pastoral and romance to the picaresque - infusing his story of a hapless clergyman with warm humour and amiable social satire.
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A Book of English Essays — 1982
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Goldsmith O., The Deserted Village. The Traveller. And other Poems — [c.1894]
A brief selection of the poems of Oliver Goldsmith. Selections include The Traveller, The Deserted Village, and other poems.
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Williams W.E., A Book of English Essays — 1977
"One of the most notable and attractive forms of English Literature is the essay. In his introduction to this selection, first made for Pelican in 1942 and now enlarged and reprinted, Sir William Emrys Williams points out that the Essay, —has a multitude of forms and manners, and scarcely any rules and regulations.— Although many of the pieces chosen for this volume are such well-known ones as Charles Lamb—s —In Praise of Chimney Sweepers— or De Quincy—s memorable commentary on an episode in —Macbeth—, an endeavour has been made to remind readers that Addison, for example, wrote other and better essays than the few which are usually included in anthologies. Modern writers such as Hilaire Belloc, JB Priestly, Aldous Huxley, Robert Lynd, Ivor Brown, Harold Nicholson. EV Lucas, and VS Pritchett are given a fair share of representation."
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Goldsmith O., She Stoops to Conquer — 2007 (Longman Literature)
Most everyone has been the target of practical jokes, and most have been out on blind dates. Oliver Goldsmith bases his 1773 comedy She Stoops to Conquer on two such incidents, creating a complicated, convoluted plot based on miscommunication and mistaken identities. At the same time, Goldsmith explores a series of ethical and aesthetic issues.Audiences responded favorably to She Stoops to Conquer when Goldsmith's play debuted in 1773 and have continued to do so ever since. Significantly, from its debut, it earned popular approval and remains today one of the few 18th century plays to be regularly performed for modern audiences. While the play proves funny and entertaining, it also marks an important step in the development of comic theory. Significantly, Goldsmith's play changed the face of comic theatre, eclipsing the popular sentimental comedy of the day, and inaugurated a new style of laughing comedy.
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