In the digital age, content is no longer confined to the written page. It is spread across web and mobile, taking the form of podcasts, webinars, widgets, and blog posts. Powerfull content tells the story of your product or business, but it means nothing if it—s not written well, optimized for search and social media, and properly marketed. In Content is Currency, content strategist Jon Wuebben explains the fine art of content development by utilizing the latest Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Social Media Market5ign (SMM) techniques and provides you with the tools and strategies you need to get your online content noticed. Drawing on the latest research, ideas, and case studies in content marketing, you will learn : — What types of content best suit your specific business, market, and industry — How key content tactics influence search engine rankings and sales conversion — How to leverage special media to connect with your target market — How to merge the many elements of your web presence...
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