Bloom H., The Best Poems of the English Language — 2004
The colossus among critics (New York Times Magazine) presents his personal selection, with commentary, of the finest poems in the English language. An anthology of poems which attempts to give readers the possession of six centuries of great British and American poetry.
Romantic Poets. Blake to Poe — 1977 (Poets of the English Language)
This volume, edited and with a superb introduction by W.H. Auden and Norman Holmes Pearson, presents the greatest of the Romantics in all the fullness and ardor of their vision, including William Blake, Robert Burns, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, William Wordsworth, Lord Byron, Percy Bysshe Shelley, John Keats, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Henry David Thoreau, and Edgar Allan Poe. What emerges is a panoramic view of a generation of artists struggling to remake the world in their own image—and miraculously succeeding.
This new edition of Adventures in American Literature is one of five books which make up the ADVENTURES series for the senior high school. The editors have put their best thought and effort into this revision. They have consulted numerous teachers who have been teaching the text, and have received many valuable suggestions as to pruming weakness and preserving strength
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