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Томсон Х., Немыслимое: путешествие по самым странным мозгам в мире. неврологическая революция от Оливера Сакса до наших дней — 2019 (Сам себе психолог)
Мозг более странный орган, чем нам кажется. Считается, что мы можем помнить, чувствовать эмоции, сопереживать и понимать окружающий мир. Но как изменится наша жизнь, если эти способности будут значительно расширены — или исчезнут в одночасье? Ученица великого Оливера Сакса, Хелен Томсон описывает девять невероятных примеров нарушений мозга, которые делают жизнь их обладателей фантастической и полной необыкновенных событий. Эта завораживающая и правдивая книга перевернет представление о человеческом мозге. Вы узнаете: как можно подделать воспоминания, которые уже никогда не исчезнут; как вырастить инопланетную конечность; как видеть сновидения наяву; как научиться превращаться в тигра. Книга написана для любителей интеллектуального чтения. В ней показана неврологическая революция и те изменения, которые произошли со времен Оливера Сакса, идеи и дух которого пронизывает это произведение.
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Hughes T., Tom Browns Schooldays — 2012 (Complete & Unabridged)
A classic of Victorian literature, and one of the earliest books written specifically for boys, Tom Brown`s "Schooldays" has long had an influence well beyond the middle-class, public school world that it describes. The book describes Tom`s time at Rugby School from his first football match, through his troubled adolescence when he is savagely bullied by the unspeakable Flashman, to his departure for a wider world as a confident young man. This classic tale of a boy`s schooldays under the benevolent eye of the renowned Dr Arnold still retains the appeal for which it was acclaimed on its first publication
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Резак Д., Связи решают все. бизнес-сказка о Царевне-лягушке — 2007
Прочтите эту книгу, чтобы скрытые возможности стали реальными! Это книга о человеческих связях и взаимоотношениях, о том, почему лучший деловой контакт - это личный контакт, о том, как случайное знакомство может изменить ваш бизнес и карьеру, и о том, почему визитная карточка важнее денег
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Thomson A. J., A Practical English Grammar — 1986
Thomson and Martinet's classic grammar is the most widely used book of its kind. It is popular because its explanations are clear and because it deals thoroughly with the topics which students find most difficult. It is intended for intermediate and post-intermediate learners, but is also a useful source of reference for more advanced students and for teachers. A Practical English Grammar has now been revised and reissued in a fourth edition. The text has been rewritten in many places to bring it up to date. Some material has been rearranged to make it simpler for the reader to compare related topics. There is fresh or fuller treatment of many subjects, notably in the chapters on nouns, adjectives, adverbs, prepositions, conjunctions, auxiliary verbs, the infinitive and the passive. A new index contains many more entries and now includes references to every important structural word. These changes, and an improved design, make A Practical English Grammar more informative and easier to consult than ever.
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Thomson A. J., A Practical English. Exercises 2 — 1986
This is one of two books of exercises designed to accompany Thomson and Martinet's "Practical English Grammar". They provide intermediate learners with a wealth of interesting and lively practice material, concentrating on those areas of grammar which generally cause most difficulty. The books may be used alongside the "Grammar" or on their own, with or without a teacher, and are particularly useful for revision. Answers are printed at the end of each book. For this third edition some changes have been made in the text to bring it up to date and five new exercises have been added, making a total for both books of 190. The exercises now follow the same sequence as the chapters in the "Grammar" and they have all been graded. References are to the fourth (1986) edition
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Thomson A. J., A Practical English. exercises 1 — 1986
This is one of two books of exercises designed to accompany Thomson and Martinet's "Practical English Grammar". They provide intermediate learners with a wealth of interesting and lively practice material, concentrating on those areas of grammar which generally cause most difficulty. The books may be used alongside the "Grammar" or on their own, with or without a teacher, and are particularly useful for revision. Answers are printed at the end of each book. For this third edition some changes have been made in the text to bring it up to date and five new exercises have been added, making a total for both books of 190. The exercises now follow the same sequence as the chapters in the "Grammar" and they have all been graded. References are to the fourth (1986) edition.
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Жуковский В.А., . Зарубежная поэзия в переводах В.А. Жуковского Т. 1 — 1985
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The Penguin Book of English Verse — 1983
The penguin book of english verse.
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Английская поэзия в русских переводах (XIV-XIX века). [сборник] — 1981
В антологии представлены лучшие образцы английской поэзии, начиная с народных баллад и до конца XIX столетия. Тексты стихотворных переводов выполнены известными русскими и советскими поэтами-переводчиками (Жуковским, Гнедичем,Лермонтовым, Тютчевым, Блоком, Бальмонтом, Пастернаком, Маршаком, Левиком и др.). Послесловие к сборнику академика М.П. Алексеева познакомит читателя с тем, как развивалось искусство русского стихотворного перевода, как воспринималась в нашей стране английская поэзия. Книга содержит также справки об авторах и комментарии к тексту. Издание предназначается для широкого круга любителей русской и зарубежной поэзии
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Victorian and Edwardian Poets. Tennyson to Yeats — 1978 (Poets of the English Language)
The fifth volume of Poets of the English Language brings together the most representative poets of two latter-day groups. In style and craftsmanship the poetry of the last half of the nineteenth century and first part of the twentieth extended, developed, and refined the discoveries of the early Romantics.
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The Penguin Book of English Romantic Verse — 1977
The penguin book of english romantic verse.
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The Penguin Book of Victorian Verse — 1975
147 poets in a far-ranging survey of the Victorian age s significant poetic achievements. The pleasures of Victorian poetry lie in its multitude of lyric and dramatic voices and, above all, in its rhythmic power and subtlety. Nowhere else can these reading pleasures be better enjoyed than in the pages of Daniel Karlin s enormous selection of poetry written and published during the reign of Queen Victoria (1837-1901). Ranging from the late Romantic period to the brink of high modernism, The Penguin Book of Victorian Verse features a generous sampling of poems.
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An Anthology of English and American Verse — 1972
Лучшие образцы стихотворных произведений Англии и США с биографическими справками и комментариями.Издание затрагивает творчество 176-ти авторов и включает в себя неадаптированные старинные английские баллады, принадлежащие к устной фольклорной традиции, множество сонет, гуманистическую лирику эпохи Возрождения, революционный пафос романтиков, меланхолические негритянские блюзы и многие другие произведения, вплоть до XX века.
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An Antology of English and American Verse — 1972
Предлагаемая вниманию читателя Антология английской и американской поэзии является наиболее полным и представительным собранием стихотворений, народных баллад и фрагментов из поэм на английском языке. Антология содержит 475 произведений, принадлежащих перу 169 поэтов. Все произведения расположены в хронологическом порядке. Книга адресована читателю, владеющему английским языком, а также знакомому с историей английской и американской литературы, т.е., в первую очередь, студентам старших курсов, аспирантам и преподавателям высших учебных заведений гуманитарного профиля.
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Austen G., Northanger Abbey — 2007 (Wordswoth Classics)
This book tells the story of a young girl, Catherine Morland, who leaves her sheltered, rural home to enter the busy, sophisticated world of Bath in the late 1790s. Austen observes with insight and humour the interaction between Catherine and the various characters whom she meets there, and tracks her growing understanding of the world about her...
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Thomson D., Ingland in the Twentieth Century (1914-63) — 1979 (The Pelican History of England)
Fifty years have provided two wars, countless revolutions, a world slump, the rise and fall of the dictators, and scientific and technical advances on an unprecedented scale. During this time England has become more fully a democracy, has pioneered the concept of the Welfare State, and laid the foundations of a multi-racial Commonwealth. In this volume of the Pelican History of England the late Master of Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge, has not only managed to stand back from the times: he has also accomplished an extraordinary feat of compression and, in describing an age of revolution, underlined the significance of continuity.
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Thomson D., England in the Nineteenth Century. Социология образования — 1979 (Pelican History of England)
The theme of this book is the major social changes which the people of England experienced during the period of the great peace between the Battle of Waterloo and the First World War. It is the story of the development of the English nation in that century
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Davis M.T., A Sort of Peace. The Breadmakers
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Davis M.T., A Baby Might Be Crying. The Breadmakers
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Davis M.T., The Breadmakers. The Breadmakers Vol.1
The Breadmakers vividly brings to life a working-class community in the Glasgow of the Thirties. The men and women of Clydend are deftly believable, from Catriona Munro, teenage bridge-to-be, to foreman baker Baldy Fowler... Their lived and loves are full of drama.
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