: 13
Etcherelli C., Elise ou la vrai vie. En arriere. Viens danser,Violine 1986
Un concert fracassant envahit la rue. " Les pompiers ", pensai-je. Arezki n'avait pas boug. Les voitures devaient se suivre, le hurlement s'amplifia, se prolongea sinistrement et s'arrta sous la fentre. Arezki me lcha. Je venais de comprendre. La police. Je commenai trembler. Je n'avais pas peur mais je tremblais tout de mme. Je n'arrtais plus de trembler : les sirnes, les freins, le bruit sec des portires et le froid - je le sentais maintenant - le froid de la chambre.
Conteurs francais du XX siecle 1981
Conteurs francais du xxe siecle 1945-1977 par Collectif. Editions du progrs. 1981. In-12. Reli. Bon tat, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intrieur frais. 493 pages; couverture cartonne plein cuir vert, titre dor sur plat et dos... . " ", - , , , 40-70- 20 , - , , , , , , , . , , ; -.
Stil A., Le premier choc 1953
Auteurs progressistes francais modernes. Oeuvres choisies 1952
Stil A., L'ami dans le miroir 1978
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Stillman R., Tracker. Green Lightning 1990 (Tracker)
There's a new player in the Japanese underworld:the global high-tech gang Green Lighting. They're cool, sadistic killers with insatiable ambition - and a deadly imagination. They've got snipers at the Super Bowl. A psychopathic mankiller. An invader in our military computer net. They've already tried to assassinate the President. And they mean to try it again.
Stillman R., Tracker. Black Phantom 1991 (Tracker)
They're a psychotic fraternity of hate - a secret brotherhood whose legacy of violence and bloodshed has been passed down from brutal fathers to lawless sons. With murder in their hearts, and high-tech firepower in their hands, they've burrowed like maggots into the power structure of the nation. And rotted the system from inside out. Now they plan to plunge the country into Armageddon,a nightmare of gunfire and warfare.But they didn't count on the laser-guided vengeance of America's armored manhunter...
Stillman R., Tracker. Death Hunt 1991 (Tracker)
They call themselves SAFE-PEACE, but their methods are anything but peaceful. Their goal: to save the green earth by spilling red blood - torture and murder in the name of ecology. What they really want is money, power, and weapons. One of their victims, an FBI agent, was buried alive. Now this ruthless army of terrorists is going for the jackpot- a hundred-million-dollar bounty for the head of Nat Tracker. But Tracker has his own plan to save the earth: round up the human garbage and crush it once and for all.
Stillman R., Tracker. Shock Treatment 1992 (Tracker)
The amoral merchants of terror have just upped the ante. Backed by billionaire swindlers of the trusting public, a psychotic techno-fiend has created the ultimate fighting power - and has supercharged his weaponry with the raw force of nature. His name is Dr. Shock, and he can shatter a city with lightning speed. But Tracker has an appointment with the doctor - a one-on-one showdown that will light up the skies with instant death...
Stillman R., Tracker 1990 (Tracker)
Before the accident that blinded him, USAF Maj. Nat Tracker was already a techno-soldier, a combat wonder with a dozen high-tech patents to his name. Now, the product of his scientific genius, he's designed his own computerized vision - keener than a NORAD radar installation. He's bionically perfect. Ninja-trained. The ultimate warrior against international terror. No one escapes Tracker. No one.
Stil A., Dieu est un enfant 1982
Stillman R., Firekill. Tracker 1991 (Tracker)
The police call him The Firefly. A demented arsonist and rurthless killer, he lives for the smell of fire and death. In his twisted mind, the murders are sacrifices to a pagan god. The Firefly must serve this god - and feed his own depraved hungers - because he himself is divine. He is the Son of Ra.