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Soars L., New Headway. Advanced Students Book — 2015
With its proven methodology, Headway is the course you can always trust. The strong grammar focus, clear vocabulary syllabus and integrated skills work give you lessons that really work in class. Constant updates mean the material is always current, and with a huge range of components available, you've always got support where you need it.
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Soars L., New Headway. English Course. Intermediate Students Book — 2011
New Headway English Course takes the successful Headway series into an exciting new era. It introduces new features to challenge adult and young adult intermediate students and ensure that learning English is interesting and motivating. The course combines the best of traditional methods with more recent approaches, to help students use English both accurately and fluently. This new intermediate course provides approximately 120 hours of language learning. It fits neatly between "Headway Pre-Intermediate", and "Headway Upper-Intermediate", and together with "Headway Elementary" and "Headway Advanced" provides a comprehensive language teaching series for today's classrooms.
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Soars L., New Headway. intermediate. student s book — 2009
A completely new Elementary edition from the world's best-selling adult English course, with new digital resources for 2011. The Fourth edition brings you fully revised and updated texts, topics, and artwork, and the 2011 resources make it the most digital-friendly edition yet. New texts, topics, and design Integrated-skills syllabus with a clear grammar focus New version of Headway iTools - whole book onscreen Headway iTutor - new interactive self-study DVD-ROM, included with the Student's Book (summer 2011) Full teacher support - resources, photocopiables, tests and more - in print and online.
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Soars J., New Headway. english course. pre-intermediate student s book — 2009
"New Headway English Course" is a development of the highly successful multi-level Headway series. The original coursebooks have been rewritten to include new features, activities, and, above all, new material to make the learning of English stimulating and motivating for both adult and young adult learners. The course combines the best of traditional methods with more recent approaches to help students use English accurately and fluently, and provides a fully comprehensive language teaching series from beginner to advanced. "New Headway Pre-Intermediate" follows on from the foundations laid in "New Headway Elementary". Students' understanding of English is widened, and their abilities to use the language for communicative purposes are extended.
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Soars L., New Headway. elementary student`s book — 2006
Liz and John Soars are internationally renowned authors, and highly experienced teachers and teacher trainers. Theachers around the world comment on the third edition of New Headway Elementary...
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Soars L., Headway NEW Elementary. Teacher's Book — 2006
Elementary - вторая ступень изучения третьего издания (Third Edition) курса английского языка New Headway. Лексическое направление курса базируется на изучении тем: об особенностях разных стран, о взаимоотношениях в семье, о еде и напитках, о профессиях и...
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Soars L., New Headway. Intermediate. Student`s Workbook CD — 2003
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Soars L., New Headway. Intermediate. Workbook with Key — 2003
The third edition of the best-selling course, maintaining the successful core content but updated and refreshed.Описание: Features streamlined units that are easy to navigate, with clearly divided sections. `Grammar Spots` highlight key areas, helping students to analyse form and use. This title includes many reading and listening texts from a variety of authentic sources to help develop comprehension skills and integrate speaking practice, usually personalised.
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Soars L., New Headway. Intermediate Student's Book — 2008
This is a new edition with a modified syllabus and extensive new material
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