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Найдено печатных изданий: 7
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Короткие рассказы для чтения и обсуждения. учебное пособие для учащихся высших и средних учебных заведений — 2010
Предлагаемое пособие, составленное на материале рассказов английских и американских писателей, ставит своей целью развитие навыков чтения и устной речи. Пособие содержит материалы для аудирования. Пособие рассчитано на учащихся старших классов школ с углубленным изучением английского языка, лицеистов и гимназистов, студентов, учащихся курсов и лиц, самостоятельно изучающих английский язык.
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100 Best-Loved Poems — 1995
Popular, well-known poetry: "The Passionate Shepherd to His Love," "Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?" "Death, be not proud," "The Raven," "The Road Not Taken," plus works by Blake, Wordsworth, Byron, Coleridge, Shelley, Emerson, Browning, Keats, Kipling, Sandburg, Pound, Auden, Thomas, and many others. Includes 13 selections from the Common Core State Standards Initiative.
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Английский сонет XVI-XIX веков — 1990
Издание включает лучшие образцы английского сонета, начиная с творчества поэтов-елизаветинцев и кончая неоромантиками конца XIX в.Переводы на русский язык включают как класику XIX-XX вв., так и работы современных поэтов и переводчиков. Книга предназначена широкому кругу любителей поэзии.
Содержание: Авт.: Т. Уайет, Г. Г. Серрей, Д. Гаскойн, Дж. Флетчер-старший, Э. Спенсер, У. Рэли, Ф. Сидни, Ф. Гревилл, Д. Чапмен, Ч. Бест и др.
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The Penguin Book of English Verse — 1983
The penguin book of english verse.
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Adventures in American Literature — 1938
This new edition of Adventures in American Literature is one of five books which make up the ADVENTURES series for the senior high school. The editors have put their best thought and effort into this revision. They have consulted numerous teachers who have been teaching the text, and have received many valuable suggestions as to pruming weakness and preserving strength
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British Short Stories of Today — 1987
All these stories were written this century, most very recently, by talented beginners or established authors as famous as Arthur C.Clarke, Elspeth Davie, Thomas Hinde and Colin Thubron. Set in every corner of the British Isles, as well as in Kashmir, the Australian outback and a French launderette, these miniature dramas tell of a romantic, if painful, encounter at a cycle race, an obsessive tourist guide, a convent with problems and a Trotskyist bookseller. Comic or sad, exciting or thoughtful, they are deeply revealing about today's Britain and,with notes explaining the obscure words and technical terms, make a highly entertaining anthology, ideal for the serious student of life in Britain today or for anyone who simply enjoys a good read
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The Penguin Book of Canadian Verse — 1977
This book presents itself as a survey, from the first to the latest, of English-Canadian poetry. The book differs from previous Penguin Anthology, the earlier poets more solidly represented, the periods better balanced. This revised edition, coinciding with Canada's own Centennial, presents a surney of the work done in English by Canadian poets during the past one hundred years.
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