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Noha Mokhtar. Collection Cahiers d`Artistes 2021 [— 156] — 2021

Noha Mokhtar. Collection Cahiers d`Artistes 2021 [— 156] — 2021

Noha Mokhtar (Geneva, 1987) is a Swiss-Egyptian artist and anthropologist. In her transdisciplinary work she seeks a critical engagement with concepts of culture, colonialism, gender and power. She is interested in the mechanisms of reproduction of places, objects, and bodies. How do we shape the world around us, and how are we shaped by it? How do political processes or social transformations take form and become visible? From intimate narratives to digital infrastructure Noha Mokhtar's work opens spaces for social and cultural identities and diasporic biographies to be revealed. Her artistic practice includes photography, video, sculpture, installation, as well as writing, and borrows from ethnographic methods, such as fieldwork research and interviews. Often, her projects flirt with the line between fiction and documentary. She is currently pursuing a PhD in Social Anthropology and Critical Media Practice at Harvard University. She is also co-founder of the publishing initiative Edition Hors-Sujet.

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