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Найдено печатных изданий: 7
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Ливергант А.Я., The Book of English Humour — 1990
Англия-страна,породившая великую плеяду юристов, классиков мировой литературы.Традиции,заложенные Шекспиром,Филдингом,Стерном,Диккенсом,продолжают и развивают английские юмористы XIX-XX столетий:Джером К.Джером, Г.К.Честертон, Х.Беллок, Дж.Микеш и другие, с творчеством которых и познакомит данный сборник.Издание предназначено как владеющим английским языком, так и изучающим его
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Making It All Right. Modern English Short Stories — 1978
Сборник ставит своей целью познакомить читателя с лучшими образцами творчества английских новелистов 50-х - 60-х гг. В нем представлены писатели нескольких поколений, создавая красочную, многоликую картину сегодняшней Англии. Книги представляет разнообразные тематики и стилистики современного английского рассказа.
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Stories by Modern English Authors — 1961
Сборние рассказов современных английских писателей предназначается для студентов старших курсов языковых вузов и факультетов в качестве материала для чтения.
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The Penguin Book of Modern British Short Stories — 2011
The short story has become one of the major forms of modern literary expression - in some ways the most modern of them all'. The story of the British short story since the Second World War is one of change and revolution and this powerful and moving collection brilliantly demonstrates the evolution of the form. Containing thirty-four of the most widely regarded postwar British writers, it features tales of love and crime, comedy and the supernatural, the traditional as well as the experimental. This many-storied, many-splendored collection is a brilliant portrait of the generation of writers who have immediately influenced the brightest, sharpest and most intriguing writers who continue to emerge today
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Pritchett M., The best of Matt 2009 — 2009
Every day a witty, sharp gem of social comment... his brilliant work is the yardstick by which the rest are judged' TERRY WOGAN Matt started drawing his much-loved cartoons for the DAILY TELEGRAPH in 1988. His cartoons are on the front page of the DAILY TELEGRAPH and three slots on Sundays, giving his own take on the world we live in. From the often absurd world of politics, to sport, the beleaguered heath service and seemingly endless transport traumas, Matt takes a unique and wonderfully entertaining look at life, giving it a brighter, funnier twist. 'That rare thing: a daily cartoonist who never fails' THE TIMES
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A Book of English Essays — 1982
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Williams W.E., A Book of English Essays — 1977
"One of the most notable and attractive forms of English Literature is the essay. In his introduction to this selection, first made for Pelican in 1942 and now enlarged and reprinted, Sir William Emrys Williams points out that the Essay, —has a multitude of forms and manners, and scarcely any rules and regulations.— Although many of the pieces chosen for this volume are such well-known ones as Charles Lamb—s —In Praise of Chimney Sweepers— or De Quincy—s memorable commentary on an episode in —Macbeth—, an endeavour has been made to remind readers that Addison, for example, wrote other and better essays than the few which are usually included in anthologies. Modern writers such as Hilaire Belloc, JB Priestly, Aldous Huxley, Robert Lynd, Ivor Brown, Harold Nicholson. EV Lucas, and VS Pritchett are given a fair share of representation."
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