Maxwell G., Ring of Bright Water. Brodie's Notes on Gavin Maxwell's — 1984 (The Complete Guide to Exam Success)
A close reading of the set book is the student's primary task. These Notes will help to increase your undertanding and ppreciation of the work, and to stimulate your own thinking about it: they are no way intended as a substitute for a through knowledge of the book.
This is the personal story of Gavin Maxwell's boyhood, most of which he spent, in fact or in fancy, at the House of Elrig, a lonely, windswept house on the moorlands of Galloway. This is the house which, together with the influence of his relations, shaped his interest in living creatures and his love of wild country and wilderness, and led the way to the life he describes in "Ring of Bright Water". It covers his boyhood, public school education in England, and return to Scotland.
In this book Gavin Maxwell combines a description of Camusfearna in the Western Highlands of Scotland with his own biography. The book is full of amusing anecdotes, vivid observations and times of comedy and tragedy: and the miraculous reconcilliation of the author with the two otters, Teko and Edal, providing a fitting climax to the story.
The Rocks Remain, the story of the succeeding years, is a further superb evocation of a personality, a place and a way of life - though it is not without its disastrous episodes.
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