Khachatryan M., Hayk and Bel: From Babylon to the Land of Ararat — 2022
Presents the legend of Hayk Nahapet, founder of the Armenian nation, and his war against the Babylonian King Bel with beautiful illustrations by Tigran MangasaryanКомикс представляет собой легенду об Айке Наапете, основателе армянского народа, и его войне против вавилонского царя Бела с прекрасными иллюстрациями Тиграна Мангасаряна
Soviet Armenian painter Sargis Mangasaryan was a Nazi prisoner in a POW camp; Nazis called him Zako. Zako survived by drawing portraits of his tormentors. In 1956, Zako and his friends visit a Picasso exhibition. Suddenly they freeze in awe before the great master—s pinnacle work Guernica. Zako realizes how unripe he has stayed in all those years drawing portraits. And even though he was fighting for freedom, his artistic growth was limited by the impact of the system
Федеральное государственное бюджетное учреждение культуры «Российская государственная библиотека для молодёжи»
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