Димент А. Л., Короткие рассказы — 1976 (Читаем по-английски)
Данная книга для чтения носит хрестоматийный характер. Она содержит произведения прогрессивных английских, американских и канадских писателей. По содержанию, языку и стилю рассказы сборника доступны для учащихся Х класса и соответствуют их возрастным особенностям. С целью облегчения понимания отдельных лексико-грамматических трудностей в книге имеются постраничные комментарии с объяснением ключевых слов и выражений на английском языке. За каждым рассказом следуют различные упражнения.
Hope A., The Prisoner of Zenda — 2002 (Oxford World's Classics)
Antony Hope's swashbuckling romance transports his English gentleman hero, Rudolf Rassendyll, from a comfortable life in London to fast-moving adventures in Ruritania, a mythical land steeped in political intrigue. Rassendyll bears a striking resemblance to Rudolf Elphberg who is about to be crowned King of Ruritania. When the rival to the throne, Black Michael of Strelsau, attempts to seize power by imprisoning Elphberg in the Castle of Zenda, Rassendyll is obliged to impersonate the King to uphold the rightful sovereignty and ensure political stability. In his encounters with the notorious Rupert of Hentzau he endures a trial of strength, and a test of a different sort as he grows to love the Princess Flavia. This edition looks at the invented world of Ruritania against the background of 1890s England, at a time of political and social uncertainty.
Hope A., The prisoner of Zenda — 2013 (Collins Classics)
The Prisoner of Zenda tells the story of Rudolf Rassendyll, an English gentleman on holiday in Ruritania, a country not a thousand miles from Bavaria. There, by reason of his resemblance to the King of Ruritania he becomes involved in saving the King—s Life and his Throne from the King—s dastardly brother and his allies. Woods, moated castles, pomp, swordplay, gallantry, villainy and a beautiful princess. What story could ask for more?
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