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Найдено печатных изданий: 8
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Victorian and Edwardian Poets. Tennyson to Yeats — 1978 (Poets of the English Language)
The fifth volume of Poets of the English Language brings together the most representative poets of two latter-day groups. In style and craftsmanship the poetry of the last half of the nineteenth century and first part of the twentieth extended, developed, and refined the discoveries of the early Romantics.
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An Anthology of English and American Verse — 1972
Лучшие образцы стихотворных произведений Англии и США с биографическими справками и комментариями.Издание затрагивает творчество 176-ти авторов и включает в себя неадаптированные старинные английские баллады, принадлежащие к устной фольклорной традиции, множество сонет, гуманистическую лирику эпохи Возрождения, революционный пафос романтиков, меланхолические негритянские блюзы и многие другие произведения, вплоть до XX века.
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An Antology of English and American Verse — 1972
Предлагаемая вниманию читателя Антология английской и американской поэзии является наиболее полным и представительным собранием стихотворений, народных баллад и фрагментов из поэм на английском языке. Антология содержит 475 произведений, принадлежащих перу 169 поэтов. Все произведения расположены в хронологическом порядке. Книга адресована читателю, владеющему английским языком, а также знакомому с историей английской и американской литературы, т.е., в первую очередь, студентам старших курсов, аспирантам и преподавателям высших учебных заведений гуманитарного профиля.
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Holmes O.W., The Autocrat of the Breakfast-Table — 1968
A superb example of a literary form that has long since fallen into disuse, this seriocomic one-sided conversation with the dictatorial "autocrat" was originally published in segments in the Atlantic Monthly magazine in 1857 and 1858. The unnamed speaker offers an entertainingly rambling series of observations on everything from the odd things that children believe to the unexpected benefits of old age, from the divide between the creative and the scholarly to a recommendation for drinking as a vice. An insightful and frequently hilarious discourse on American civic life, this is a forgotten classic of playful liberal intellectualism.
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Антология новой английской и американской поэзии. пособие для студентов педагогических институтов — 1963
Учебное пособие для студентов педагогических институтов предназначено для ознакомления студентов с продвинутым знанием английского языка с произведениями английских и американских поэтов.
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Adventures in American Literature — 1938
This new edition of Adventures in American Literature is one of five books which make up the ADVENTURES series for the senior high school. The editors have put their best thought and effort into this revision. They have consulted numerous teachers who have been teaching the text, and have received many valuable suggestions as to pruming weakness and preserving strength
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Baker F.T., Everyday Classics. Sixth Reader — 1924
The Sixth Reader is a book of world-famous stories. The great poems of Greece and Rome, the Bible, the myths of Northern Europe, and the epics and romances of the Age pf Chivalry are all represented. The book is addressed to the pupil. Proper names and the more difficult words and phrases have often been listed with their pronunciations after the lessons inwhich they occur. Other words have been listed For study with the Glossary.
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100 Best-Loved Poems — 1995
Popular, well-known poetry: "The Passionate Shepherd to His Love," "Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?" "Death, be not proud," "The Raven," "The Road Not Taken," plus works by Blake, Wordsworth, Byron, Coleridge, Shelley, Emerson, Browning, Keats, Kipling, Sandburg, Pound, Auden, Thomas, and many others. Includes 13 selections from the Common Core State Standards Initiative
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