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Hawthorne .N., Tanglewood Tales — [s.a.]
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Hawthorne N., The Scarlet Letter — 2017
Натаниэль Готорн - один из первых и наиболее общепризнанных мастеров американской литературы XIX века, внесший вклад в становление короткой прозы
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Hawthorne N., The scarlet letter — 2016 (English. Classical literature)
"The Scarlet Letter: A Romance" is considered to be Hawthorne's "masterwork". Set in 17th-century Puritan Boston, it tells the story of Hester Prynne, who conceives a daughter through an affair and struggles to create a new life of repentance and dignity. Throughout the book, Hawthorne explores themes of legalism, sin, and guilt.
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Fifty Great American Short Stories — 2008
A brilliant, far-reaching collection of stories from Washington Irving to John Updike. The Classic Stories Edgar Allan Poe—s Ms. Found in a Bottle, Bret Harte—s The Outcasts of Poker Flat, Sherwood Anderson—s Death in the Woods, Stephen Vincent Ben™t—s By the Waters of Babylon The Great Writers Melville, James, Dreiser, Faulkner, Hemingway, Steinbeck, McCullers The Little-Known Masterpieces Edith Wharton—s The Dilettante, Finley Peter Dunne—s Mr. Dooley on the Popularity of Fireman, Charles M. Flandrau—s A Dead Issue, James Reid Parker—s The Archimandrite's Niece
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Gothic Short Stories — 2006
This collection contains works by such writers as Poe, Hawthorne, Gaskell, Dickens and M. R. James, alongside that of anonymous authors from Britain to America. It brings together stories from the earliest decades of Gothic writing with later 19th and early 20th century tales.
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The Wordsworth Book of Horror Stories — 2004
...it is an universal phenomenon of our nature that the mournful, the fearful, even the horrible, allures with irresistible enchantment. - Chaucer Burr, Memoir, 1850. The Wordsworth Book of Horror Stories is a superb collection of some of the greatest tales of the genre, many are classics while others are lesser-known gems unearthed from this vintage era of the supernatural
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Four Great American Classics. [Collection] — 2004 (Bantam classic)
Presents four classic American stories, "The Scarlett Letter," "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn," "The Red Badge of Courage," and "Billy Budd, sailor."
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Great American Short Stories — 2002 (Dover. Thrift. Editions)
Featuring 19 of the finest works in the American short-story tradition, this compilation includes: The Tell-Tale Heart by Edgar Allan Poe, Bartleby by Herman Melville, To Build a Fire by Jack London, Bernice Bobs Her Hair by F. Scott Fitzgerald, The Killers by Ernest Hemingway, plus stories by Hawthorne, Twain, Cather, and others
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Hawthorne N., The Scarlet Letter — 1994
This production closely follows Nathaniel Hawthorne's 1850 novel The Scarlet Letter. In Boston, shortly after its founding in 1630, the Puritan citizenry order Hester Prynne (Meg Foster), a beautiful young woman, to wear a scarlet letter "A" (signifying "adulteress") on her dress for life after she bears a child in the absence of her husband, who has delayed his trip to the New World to conclude business. Despite intense questioning, Hester refuses to identify the father, Arthur Dimmesdale (John Heard), a respected minister who cannot muster the courage to acknowledge his sin in public.
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The Birth of Science in Fiction. The Best Science Fiction of the 19th Century — 1991
As enjoyable as it is edifying.Even longtime readers in the field may make some happy discovers.
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Hawthorne N., The Scarlet Letter — 1983 (The Penguin American Library)
Hailed by Henry James as "the finest piece of imaginative writing yet put forth in the country, " Nathaniel Hawthorne's "The Scarlet Letter" reaches to our nation's historical and moral roots for the material of great tragedy. Set in an early New England colony, the novel shows the terrible impact a single, passionate act has on the lives of three members of the community: the defiant Hester Prynne; the fiery, tortured Reverend Dimmesdale; and the obsessed, vengeful Chillingworth. With "The Scarlet Letter," Hawthorne became the first American novelist to forge from our Puritan heritage a universal classic, a masterful exploration of humanity's unending struggle with sin, guilt and pride.
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Американский критический очерк — 1981
Задача настоящего сборника-познакомить читателя с лучшими образцами творчества американских критиков и литературоведов,а также писателей,выступавших в роли критиков,за два столетия. Среди тех,кто определял направление американской литературно-критической мысли XIX века-поэты Э.По и У.Уитмен,прозаики Н.Готорн и Г.Джеймс.Среди критиков ХХ века,чьи идеи внесли вклад в становление и развитие американской школы реализма-В.В.Брукс и В.Л.Паррингтон,М.Гайсмар и М.Каули.Издание сопровождается предисловием,комментариями и предназначается тем,кто интересуется проблемами истории и теории зарубежной критики
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Hawthorne N., The House of the Seven Gables — 1981 (The Penguin American Library)
This enduring novel of crime and retribution vividly reflects the social and moral values of New England in the 1840s. Nathaniel Hawthorne's gripping psychological drama concerns the Pyncheon family, a dynasty founded on pious theft, who live for generations under a dead man's curse until their house is finally exorcised by love. Hawthorne, by birth and education, was instilled with the Puritan belief in America's limitless promise. Yet - in part because of blemishes on his own family history - he also saw the darker side of the young nation. Like his twentieth-century heirs William Faulkner and F. Scott Fitzgerald, Hawthorne peered behind propriety's facade and exposed the true human condition.
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Nineteenth Century American Short Stories — 1978
Новеллы, включенные в книгу, представляют большой интерес для изучения американской литературы и английского языка в его американском варианте. Сборник снабжен предисловием и комментариями на русском языке. Книга рассчитана на студентов университетов и институтов иностранных языков, на всех, изучающих английский язык и интересующихся американской литературой.
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Hawthorne N., The Scarlet Letter and selected tales — 1978 (The Penguin English Library)
This production closely follows Nathaniel Hawthorne's 1850 novel The Scarlet Letter. In Boston, shortly after its founding in 1630, the Puritan citizenry order Hester Prynne (Meg Foster), a beautiful young woman, to wear a scarlet letter "A" (signifying "adulteress") on her dress for life after she bears a child in the absence of her husband, who has delayed his trip to the New World to conclude business. Despite intense questioning, Hester refuses to identify the father, Arthur Dimmesdale (John Heard), a respected minister who cannot muster the courage to acknowledge his sin in public.
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Irving W., Dolph Heyliger — 1978
В сборник входят произведения крупнейших американских писателей-романтиков В. Ирвинга, Н. Готорна, Э. По, Г. Мелвилла, созданные в первой половине XIX века. При всей своей индивидуальной неповторимости они воплотили в себе черты, присущие американскому романтизму в целом: критику складывающихся буржуазных общественных отношений, острое ощущение трагических противоречий американского образа жизни.
Содержание: Dolph Heyliger; Endicott and the Red Cross; My Kinsman Major Molineux; The Great Stone Face; Mr.Higginbotham's Catastrophe; The Fall of the House of Usher; The Gold Bug; Benito Cereno.
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50 Great American Short Stories — 1972
A brilliant,far-reaching collection of stories from Washington Irving to John Updike
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Adventures in American Literature — 1938
This new edition of Adventures in American Literature is one of five books which make up the ADVENTURES series for the senior high school. The editors have put their best thought and effort into this revision. They have consulted numerous teachers who have been teaching the text, and have received many valuable suggestions as to pruming weakness and preserving strength
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Hawthorne N., The Scarlet Letter — 2008 (Oxford Bookworms Library. Classics. Stage 4 (1400 headwoords))
Scarlet is the colour of sin, and the letter 'A' stands for 'Adultery'. In the 1600s, in Boston, Massachusetts, love was allowed only between a husband and a wife. A child born outside marriage was a child of sin. Hester Prynne must wear the scarlet letter on her dress for the rest of her life. How can she ever escape from this public shame? What will happen to her child, growing up in the shadow of the scarlet letter? The future holds no joy for Hester Prynne. And what will happen to her sinful lover - the father of her child?
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Лучшие произведения на английском языке — 2005-2010 (Аудиокнига)
Вам предоставляется возможность прослушать лучшие произведения всемирно известных писателей в великолепном исполнении носителей языка. Диск адресован широкой аудитории: студентам, преподавателям, а также всем, кто желает расширить знание английского языка. Произведения адаптированы для слушателей, владеющих языком на уровне Intermediate. Диск содержит также текстовые версии рассказов и их переводы на русский язык.
Содержание: Алиса в стране чудес; Рассказы об отце Брауне; Классические английские рассказы; Английские рассказы о любви; Классические американские новеллы; Классический американский детектив
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