Дайер Д., Procter & Gamble. Путь к успеху. 165-летний опыт построения брендов — 2017
Издание можно рассматривать и как увлекательный учебник по экономике крупной корпорации, и как практическое пособие по брендингу, маркетингу и рекламе.
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Asimov s Science Fiction April — 2001
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Berlins M., The Law Machine — 2000
Explains and discusses how the justice system evolved, the way it operates - including vivid descriptions of the trial process - and how lawyers work. This title surveys various developments in the workings of justice.
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Asimov s Science Fiction March — 1997
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Asimov s Science Fiction April — 1996
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Asimov s Science Fiction December — 1996
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The Penguin Book of English Verse — 1983
The penguin book of english verse.
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Medieval and Renaissance Poets. Langland to Spenser — 1978 (Poets of the English Language)
The poetry in this volume represents that portion of the great poetry of Christendom that was written in English--at first in Middle English, but soon in our own tongue--from the fourteenth century through most of the sixteenth. Its beginnings in the Middle Ages have special meaningfulness for us today, when we are beset by the need to rediscover the unity that was then felt between man and society, feeling and intellect. In the development of allegory, particularly, we find one of its characteristic modes. Following on through these wide-ranging selections, we get an illuminating view of the pre-Shakespearean poetic temper, when verse was universally the popular medium for instruction and entertainment. In addition to Auden s brilliant introduction to the period, this volume contains a helpful guide to the poems in Middle English, and footnote glossaries of unfamiliar words.
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Дайер Д., Влюбиться в Венеции, умереть в Варанаси — 2010
На книге написано, что она удостоена премии Вудхауса — за лучшее юмористическое произведение. Что лишний раз подтверждает несовместимость мою и английского юмора. От английского юмора мне всегда хотелось плакать. Он раскрывал передо мной безнадежную скуку и тоскливый абсурд бытия. Что именно в книге Дайера было квалифицированно как «смешное» — не знаю. Хотя эту книгу лучше прочесть, чем не прочесть. Она необыкновенно насыщенна. Она не занимательна, не содержательна — она именно насыщенна. Чтение этого текста — неспешное, доставляющее почти физическое удовольствие пережевывание чужих впечатлений, поданных настолько ярко и выразительно, что они без всякого усилия со стороны читателя становятся его собственными.
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Brent-Dyer E.M., Chalet School. a collection of stories, articles and competitions — 1989
"...Here are all the answers...notes on the books themselves, on the ideas behind them, and on the mysterious Elinor M. Brent-Dyer herself". Contains extensive biographical information about the author Elinor M. Brent-Dyer, and of the world she created for her Chalet School series.
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Dyer L.F., More Than a Memory — 1992
It was a summer straight out of a fairy tale. The sultry air of the Iowa nights was laced with the heavy scent of summer roses and the distinctive flavor of lake water. The silvery moon was reflected on the lake as Cole McFadden emerged from the water and found an ebony-haired seductress waiting on the dock. At the age of twenty-five, Cole knew what he wanted from life. No one was going to stop him from becoming one of the top racers in the NASCAR circuit. And nothing was going to keep him from tasting the sweet lips of Melanie Winters, the princess he found waiting at the shore. As long summer days gave way to fragrant nights, they found a love that branded Cole's heart, a love he cherished, until he discovered that the green-eyed seductress was not a senior in college, but a senior in high school. He'd fallen in love with a seventeen-year-old kid! Eight years later, Cole found himself back in Castle Rock, face to face with Melanie. More beautiful than ever, she still hadn't forgiven him for leaving her years ago. How could he convince her that their fairy-tale dreams of the past could have a happy ending at last?
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Brent-Dyer E.M., The Coming of Age of the Chalet School. Book 39 — 1982 (The Chalet School)
The Chalet School is twenty-one years old! Suddenly everyone is caught up in a whirl of exciting celebrations, with a host of special activities to look forward to. But there's danger ahead whaen the Old Girls take a party of prefects to the beautiful Tyrol, where the famous school began. For Joey Maynard and Mary-Lou set out on a night-time boat trip that ends in disaster...
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Dyer J., The Penguin Guide to Prehistoric England and Wales — 1982 (Penguin Handbooks)
From Stonehenge and Silbury Hill to the magnificent cliff castles of Cornwall and the hill forts on the Welsh Marches, this Penguin guide covers, county by county, almost a thousand prehistoric sites in England and Wales.
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Dyer J., The Penguin Guide to Prehistoric England and Wales — 1982
From Stonehenge and Silbury Hill to the magnificent cliff castles of Cornwall and the hill forts on the Welsh Marches, this Penguin guide covers, county by county, almost a thousand prehistoric sites in England and Wales.
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