Bloom H., The Best Poems of the English Language — 2004
The colossus among critics (New York Times Magazine) presents his personal selection, with commentary, of the finest poems in the English language. An anthology of poems which attempts to give readers the possession of six centuries of great British and American poetry.
Medieval and Renaissance Poets. Langland to Spenser — 1978 (Poets of the English Language)
The poetry in this volume represents that portion of the great poetry of Christendom that was written in English--at first in Middle English, but soon in our own tongue--from the fourteenth century through most of the sixteenth. Its beginnings in the Middle Ages have special meaningfulness for us today, when we are beset by the need to rediscover the unity that was then felt between man and society, feeling and intellect. In the development of allegory, particularly, we find one of its characteristic modes. Following on through these wide-ranging selections, we get an illuminating view of the pre-Shakespearean poetic temper, when verse was universally the popular medium for instruction and entertainment. In addition to Auden s brilliant introduction to the period, this volume contains a helpful guide to the poems in Middle English, and footnote glossaries of unfamiliar words.
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