Contemporary Russian poetry. an anthology — 2008 (Russian literature)
Prominent Moskow poet Evgeny Bunimovich selected reprentative work from forty-four living Russian poets born after 1945 to be translated and published in this bilingual edition. The collection ranges from the mordant post-Soviet irony of Igor Irteniev to the classical poem of the Solzhenitzin Prize winner Yuri Kublanovsky to the fresh voices of poets like Marianna Geide and Anna Russ - young women just beginning to make themselves heard. The book includes the work of Booker Prize winner Sergey Gandlevsky and several winners of the Andrei Bely Prize, the Alexandre Pushkin Prize, and Brodsky Fellowships. Most of these poems, and many of the poets, have previously been unpublished in the West.В антологии представлены стихи и их переводы 44-х российских поэтов
Some may come into this book with the thought that they are going to be getting some great English translations of little known or unknown Russian poets, and yes, there is that. But the title of this book is Verses and Versions. So, the Version aspect of this book - which is the complex process of translation itself and the results there of - takes center stage as well. From both standpoints, this is a delightful read.
Федеральное государственное бюджетное учреждение культуры «Российская государственная библиотека для молодёжи»
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