Bloom H., The Best Poems of the English Language — 2004
The colossus among critics (New York Times Magazine) presents his personal selection, with commentary, of the finest poems in the English language. An anthology of poems which attempts to give readers the possession of six centuries of great British and American poetry.
Содержание: Girl's Got Soul; The Night The Boy Learned How To Dance; 10 Reasons Why I Can't Be Free; If You Want It; You Got To Rock It; I Got My Rights; The Record Keeps Spinning; Pajama Party Time/ all songs written by Michael Cleveland
The miniature world of the String family-Mr and Mrs String, their children, Hemp, Flax, Twine and baby Skein all come alive and share their adventures with Sally in Miss Floribunda's cottage in the country. Sally is the only human child to be introduced to the String family and friends-a wonderland of aunts and cousins with exciting and exotic names-the Binder Twines, he Garden Lines and the Embroidery Silks.
Крупноформатный Атлас мира содержит подробный индекс географических названий, таблицы, 60 политических, физических карт Земли, данные о населении, экономике, языках, климатических условиях на всех континентах, пятиязычный указатель сокращений, использованных в атласе.
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