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Найдено печатных изданий: 4
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Cheever S., Home Before Dark — 1986
In Home Before Dark, Susan Cheever, daughter of the famously talented writer John Cheever, uses previously unpublished letters, journals, and her own precious memories to create a candid and insightful tribute to her father. While producing some of the most beloved and celebrated American literature of this century, John Cheever wrestled with personal demons that deeply affected his family life as well as his career. In this poignant memoir of a man driven by boundless genius and ambition, Susan Cheever writes with heartwrenching honesty of family life with the father, the writer, and the remarkable man she loved.
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Cheever J., Selected Short Srories — 1980
Расцвет новелистики современного американского писателя Джона Чивера приходится на 50-60-е годы. В рассказах этого периода ("Дачный мужик", "День,когда поросенок упал в колодец", "Ангел на мосту", "Пловец" и др.) писатель заявил о себе как о наследнике лучших традиций американской литературы, отображавшей трагизм повседневной жизни "маленького человека" в мире капитализма. В сборнике представлены и рассказы более раннего периода, такие, как FRERE JACQUES, "Прелести одиночества" и др., в которых Чивер предстает как блестящий мастер прозрачной, лаконичной и емкой прозы. Издание сопровождается вступительной статьей и комментариями к тексту и предназначено для широкого круга лиц, читающих по-английски.
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50 Great American Short Stories — 1972
A brilliant,far-reaching collection of stories from Washington Irving to John Updike
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Cheever J., Bullet Park — 1983 (King Penguin)
Linked by the mysterious binding power of nomenclature, Paul Hammer and Eliot Nailles are nonetheless violently opposite. Nailles, a chemist dedicated to the elimination of bad breath, is strictly monogamous and, apparently, an exemplary father to his teenage son Tony. Hammer is the illegitimate son of a socialist kleptomaniac, and certainly not the scrubbed and decent citizen he seems...When the two men are viewed together as halved of the overburdened American psyche, John Cheever's satirical etching of small-town American life begins to take on a lethal new dimension.
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