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Charlotte Herzig. Collection Cahiers d`Artistes 2017 [— 138] — 2017

Charlotte Herzig. Collection Cahiers d`Artistes 2017 [— 138] — 2017

Charlotte Herzig was born in 1983 in Vevey, Switzerland. She holds a Bachelor—s in Visual Arts (2007) from ycole Cantonale d—Art de Lausanne (ECAL) and a Master—s in Painting from the San Francisco Art Institute. She lives and works in Brussels, Belgium. For the artist, painting is a limitless explosion, an immensity to be explored, a dreamlike —elsewhere—: her paintings seem to have the texture of our memories and dreams. They offer us an imaginary space behind the structured and logical domain of our daily images. Their interstice is close to the one we create when we let ourselves go to look at the clouds, to play with the sharpness of our perception by observing wallpaper, by believing that we can read in the banal and insignificant visible signs of another still enchanted place.

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