Хрестоматия по английской литературе ХХ века — 1985
Хрестоматия представляет собой пособие по курсу английской литературы XX века для студентов факультетов иностранных языков педагогических институтов. В нее входят отрывки из произведений английских писателей и поэтов. Открывает книгу краткий очерк, характеризующий английскую литературу ХХ века, ее основные направления и тенденции. Каждому представленному в хрестоматии автору предшествует краткая биографическая справка. Книга завершается подробными примечаниями, дающими необходимые лингвистические, литературные и исторические пояснения.
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Making It All Right. Modern English Short Stories — 1978
Сборник ставит своей целью познакомить читателя с лучшими образцами творчества английских новелистов 50-х - 60-х гг. В нем представлены писатели нескольких поколений, создавая красочную, многоликую картину сегодняшней Англии. Книги представляет разнообразные тематики и стилистики современного английского рассказа.
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Cary J., Mister Johnson — 1976 (Penguin Modern Classics)
Johnson, a young native in the British civil service, is a clerk to Rudbeck, Assistant District Officer in Nigeria, and imagines himself to be a very important cog of the King's government. He is amusingly tolerant of his fellow Africans, thinking them uncivilized; he is obsessed with the idea of bringing "civilization" to this small jungle station. Johnson loves the white man's ways and cheerily adopts them; he has an enthusiasm that makes his boss Rudbeck overlook his rather vague office talents. This enthusiasm centers especially upon the construction of a road (symbol of civilization) and when Rudbeck has difficulty in getting funds from HQ, Johnson does some manipulation with the books. His peculiar sense of bookkeeping, together with his disdain for regulations, lands him in trouble. He gets the road built but is discharged. In despair and anger at being fired by his "good friend" Rudbeck, he gets drunk, and accidentally kills a white store owner. He is condemned to death. Rudbeck tries to save him, but "justice" cannot be reversed. Johnson is caught between two cultures, belonging no more to the new Africa than to the old. He begs Rudbeck, whom he looks upon as a father, to shoot him rather than let him be hanged by a stranger. Rudbeck, seeing him for the first time as an individual, grants this last request and ends the boy's life.
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