Brown G. D., Professional English in Use. Law — 2007 (Cambridge)
Professional English in Use Law contains 45 units covering a wide variety of legal vocabulary. Topics include corporate and commercial law, liability, real property law, employment law, information technology, contract law, and intellectual property. The book also introduces general legal vocabulary related to legal systems and legal professions, as well as the functional language lawyers need in their daily working lives.
Brown S., The Original Alice from Manuscript to Wonderland — 1997
On 4 July 1862, which he later remembered as a 'gold afternoon,' the Reverend Charles Lutwidge Dodgson, a young mathematics tutor at Christ Church, Oxford, entertained three little girls on a river trip with a 'fairy tale' which was to become one of the most famour children's stories of all time. Alice, the heroine of the tale, implored him to write it down for her, but had to wait two years until she received a beautifully hand-written volume, with Dodgson's own pen and ink drawings, entitled 'Alice's Adventures Under Ground.'</p><p>With the help fo many charming illustrations - including several from the original manuscript beautifully reproduced in colour - this attractive gift book tells the story of Dodgson's lifelong devotion to Alice and traces the stages through which the manuscript - now one of The British Library's most treasured possessions - progressed as it was revised, expanded, given new illustrations by John Tenniel and finally published under the pseudonym 'Lewis Carroll' as 'Alice's Adventures in Wonderland.'
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