Brent-Dyer E.M., Chalet School. a collection of stories, articles and competitions — 1989
"...Here are all the answers...notes on the books themselves, on the ideas behind them, and on the mysterious Elinor M. Brent-Dyer herself". Contains extensive biographical information about the author Elinor M. Brent-Dyer, and of the world she created for her Chalet School series.
Brent-Dyer E.M., The Coming of Age of the Chalet School. Book 39 — 1982 (The Chalet School)
The Chalet School is twenty-one years old! Suddenly everyone is caught up in a whirl of exciting celebrations, with a host of special activities to look forward to. But there's danger ahead whaen the Old Girls take a party of prefects to the beautiful Tyrol, where the famous school began. For Joey Maynard and Mary-Lou set out on a night-time boat trip that ends in disaster...
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