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Bentzien H., Elisabeth. Landgrafin von Thuringen. Biogr. — cop.1990 (Das irdische Leben einer Heiligen)
Hans Bentzien versucht, das wirkliche Leben der Elisabeth nachzuzeichen, die Motive ihres Handelns, den Zusammenhang mit den sozialen und geistigen Widerspruchen jener Zeit zu ergrunden und darzustellen.
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Bentley R. A., The Acceleration of сultural сhange. from ancestors to algorithms — 2017
From our hunter-gatherer days, we humans evolved to be excellent throwers, chewers, and long-distance runners. We are highly social, crave Paleolithic snacks, and display some gendered difference resulting from mate selection. But we now find ourselves binge-viewing, texting while driving, and playing Minecraft. Only the collective acceleration of cultural and technological evolution explains this development. The evolutionary psychology of individuals—the drive for —food and sex——explains some of our current habits, but our evolutionary success, Alex Bentley and Mike O'Brien explain, lies in our ability to learn cultural know-how and to teach it to the next generation. Today, we are following social media bots as much as we are learning from our ancestors. We are radically changing the way culture evolves. Bentley and O'Brien describe how the transmission of culture has become vast and instantaneous across an Internet of people and devices, after millennia of local ancestral knowledge that evolved slowly. Long-evolved cultural knowledge is aggressively discounted by online algorithms, which prioritize popularity and recency. If children are learning more from Minecraft than from tradition, this is a profound shift in cultural evolution.
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Ливергант А.Я., The Book of English Humour — 1990
Англия-страна,породившая великую плеяду юристов, классиков мировой литературы.Традиции,заложенные Шекспиром,Филдингом,Стерном,Диккенсом,продолжают и развивают английские юмористы XIX-XX столетий:Джером К.Джером, Г.К.Честертон, Х.Беллок, Дж.Микеш и другие, с творчеством которых и познакомит данный сборник.Издание предназначено как владеющим английским языком, так и изучающим его
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Сhristensen M. H., Grammaire alphabetigue — 2013 (Le Robert & Nathan)
Votre guide grammatical. Quelle que soit la question posee, vous la trouverez formulee parmi les 700 questions d''usage du livre. 100 fiches de synthese permettent aussi de reviser definitions, regles, emplois. Le classement alphabetique rend l''acces encore plus facile et immediat.
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[Conjugaison] — 2002
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Bentley J., A Guide to Tuscany — 1988
Tuscany, with its exquisite art treasures, its magnificent architecture and its rich and varied history, has always been a favourite retreat of the British.
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