Bloom H., The Best Poems of the English Language — 2004
The colossus among critics (New York Times Magazine) presents his personal selection, with commentary, of the finest poems in the English language. An anthology of poems which attempts to give readers the possession of six centuries of great British and American poetry.
Вниманию читателей предлагается полный, неадаптированный текст двадцати избранных рассказов известных американских писателей. Издание рассчитано на лиц, владеющих основами английского языка и совершенствующих свои навыки в нем.
Содержание: Ms.Found in a Bottle/Poe/What Was It?/O'Brien/Luck/Twain/The Outcasts of Poker Flat/Harte/The Damned Thing/Bierce/The Two Faces/James/The Dilettante/Wharton/Masters of Arts/Henry/The Bride Comes to Yellow Sky/Crane/The Lost Phoebe/Dreiser/Death in the Woods/Anderson/To Build a Fire/London/Silent Snow, Secret Snow/Aiken/By the Waters of Babylon/Benet/The Old People/Faulkner/A Man of the World/Hemingway/The Harness/Steinbeck/There Was a Young Lady of Pearth/Saroyan/The Girls in Their Summer Dresses/Shaw/The Lucid Eye in Silver Town/Updike/
What's it like to lead a dog's life?Why did Lady Godiva ride naked through the streets of Coventry?Was it fun to live in Roman Britain? Dip into this selection of stories and you'll find all the answers and lots more to excite your imagination. Whatever your interests, this fascinating collection has something for every reader between the ages of ten and thirteen.
Hodge J.A., The Private World of Georgette Heyer — 2006 (The Classic Biography)
As a bestselling phenomenon and queen of the Regency Romance, Georgette Heyer is one of the most beloved historical novelists. This biography offers a glimpse into Georgette Heyer`s world and that of her most memorable characters. It reveals a formidable, energetic woman, with an impeccable sense of style and, a love for all things Regency.
Napoleon s shadow hangs heavy over Europe, and all is not well in the tiny principality of Lissenberg. Martha, its new princess, discovers just how bad things are in a moment of terror among the summer vineyards. But where can she turn for help?
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